IHP-EMI General education: Introductory Statistics
Please join our course groups/請加入課程群組
In the groups, the use of English is encouraged, but not be limited.
1. Line group (private)
2. LinkedIn (public): International Honors Program at Kainan University: I-Yuan Chiang's course group (I encourage students to register a LinkedIn account)
About I-Yuan Chiang/One Dollar
How to contact One Dollar?
1. LINE/LY me (I am always "hanging" on the internet)--the best way!
2. Email me: iychiang1809@gmail.com
3. My office: B970. The ext. 7970
YouTube: My teaching video/live-streaming 阿原直播與教學影片
YouTube-playlist of this course--------------------------------
IHP: International Honors Program at Kainan University/開南大學國際榮譽學程
EMI: English as aMedium of Instruction/使用英語進行教學
class, I speak English only. That is the rule for teachers, and
meanwhile someone is "looking at/monitoring" me. But during the break or
after class, students can speak Mandarin with me or discuss in the LINE
group. However, I would like to encourage non-English native students
to practice more in any chance)
ever studied my PhD program in the US for several years, and I
completely understand the frustration/fear/stress with my not-good
English. Now, I am a teacher, I obligate to help students who are not
English native speakers. Any questions, please let me know.
(I will determine the detaiks in the beginning of the semester)
1. Attendance (12%, required).
2. Oral presentation and/or assignments (60%, required)(5 minutes)
IHP students need to present in English.
For other students, you can use language as you want. (But I may not understand your language)
4. Digital notes (??%, optional).
Aims of this course
Statistics is a fundamental and powerful tool for business, social science, biology, and other fields. This course will cover some topics, including data descriptions, function plotting, data plotting, types of distribution, estimates, hypothesis tests, and regression. This course helps students learn basic concepts and practical plotting skills in statistics for higher courses.
Textbooks, materials, and resources
Visual Statistics Use R! (Alexey Shipunov, 2021) (open textbook)
Statistics Using Technology (2nd edition, Kathryn Kozak, 2021) (open textbook)
Introductory Statistics (David Lane, 2023) (open textbook)
Dr. Chiang edits sample questions for the practice session
Software/Apps for statistical analysis and plotting
*Google spreadsheet (free to use)
*LibreOffice Calc (free to use)
*R (free to use)
*Python and Matplotlib (free to use)
*Cell phone APPs
Scientific calculator or APPs/computer
Students are encouraged to have a scientific calculator/cell phone APPs/computer for the practice session.
Some useful open textbooks and materials
An Open Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms
An Intuitive, Interactive, Introduction to Biostatistics 2023
Data Analysis in the Psychological Sciences: A Practical, Applied, Multimedia Approach 2023
Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis 2001
Big Data for Epidemiology: Applied Data Analysis Using National Health Surveys 2022
Statistics for Research Students 2022
Introduction to Applied Statistics for Psychology Students 2022